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The DREAMPEN® company was founded by people who are striving to introduce their own unique and innovative ballpoint pens onto the market. The founders’ experience was gained at DARMAR®, a company which specializes in the import and sales of ballpoint pens and associatedarticles, and before ballpoint pen production commenced for DREAMPEN, many years of pre-production research had been undertaken on not only present and potential customer needs, but also contemporary market trends.

Our company consists of 100% Polish capital. It is a family company and therefore stable. We are forward thinking and plan investments many years ahead. The company is based in Zielona Gora, which is ideally located 150 km away from Berlin, which is strategic to the European market.

Our team consists of experienced workers – designers, technical staff and trade advisors. Attractive working conditions keep staff turnover very low and maintain a high experience level within our workers this ensures a higher overall quality of products.

We manufacture ballpoint pens using the most up-to-date injection moulding machines, produced by Battenfeld. Adopting rigid technological procedures and maintaining a sterile manufacturing process, coupled with careful selection of components, has allowed us to create a competitive product.

Apart from manufacturing ballpoint pens, we also handle ballpoint pen overprinting. We have a highly specialised fast essay writing service printing house ready to meet the most sophisticated demands.